Over the past decade, there has been a strong divide in the debate regarding global climate change. There are those who believe in global climate change and others who are called climate "deniers." However this issue isn't so cut and dry. Science is very far from being able to predict the climate over the next year, let alone next 100 years. That being said, we do know that humans play a role in affecting the climate, particularly in carbon emissions. Although it may be minimal, there are ways we can create policy to help curb our impact on the environment.
However these regulations and policies, if put into place, can have an impact on the global economy. It is important that we take this and many other things into consideration before we act. Since climate science is not certain, we should not over regulate and stifle economic production while the threat of climate change is not imminent. What can be done instead, is set long term goals which lower the human impact on the climate. This can be done by encouraging alternative energy and continuing to lower carbon emissions with developments in technology. The fear mongering on this issue has created the notion that if we do not act quickly against climate change, we are all going to be doomed. This is utterly not true.
Source: http://online.wsj.com/articles/climate-science-is-not-settled-1411143565?mod=trending_now_4
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